Residential & Commercial Painting 
in the Rio Grande Valley

Exterior Painting, Interior Painting, Cabinet Refinishing, & More!

Exterior painting
Interior painting
Commercial painting
Cabinets painting
Wood varnishing
Wood painting
Door painting

Our Services

At Castillo’s Paint, we are experts in transforming spaces.

With years of experience and a team of highly trained professionals, we offer the highest quality residential and commercial painting services.

We use top-of-the-line products and innovative techniques to ensure long-lasting results and flawless finishes.

Whether you need to paint your home, office, or an industrial facility, we are committed to providing you with personalized service that exceeds your expectations.


We transform obsolete spaces into modern and functional environments. From small renovations to large-scale projects, we offer you personalized and high-quality solutions.

Exterior painting

We protect and beautify your home with durable, weather-resistant finishes. Give your facade a new look and increase the value of your property.

Interior painting

Create cozy and lively spaces with a wide range of colors and textures. Our painting techniques allow you to personalize each room and achieve the perfect environment for you.

Cabinets & More

We are excited to work with you!​​


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